
Water Governance in OECD Countries: a Multilevel Approach

The publication “Water Governance in OECD Countries : a Multilevel
Approach” will be launched at the OECD Global Forum on Water (Paris) on
24-26 October, 2011.

This report addresses multilevel governance challenges in water policy
design and implementation and identifies good practices for coordinating
water policy across ministries, between levels of government, and
across local actors at sub-national level. It proposes an analytical
framework to diagnose and assess the main governance “gaps” in terms of
policymaking, financing, information, accountability, objectives and
capacity building in the water sector, and identifies possible
instruments to bridge them. It also provides an “institutional mapping”
of  the allocation of roles and responsibilities in water policy-making
at national/sub-national level in 17 OECD countries and suggests a set
of preliminary Multilevel Governance Guidelines for Integrated Water

Countries covered – Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, France, Greece,
Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal,
Spain, England and Wales, United States (Colorado).
Languages – English; French.

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